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I've used Google Reader for some time to read RSS feeds and while it is perfectly adequate for this task, I wanted something that would send me the data via email as soon as it was posted, rather than having to open up Google Reader periodically to see new posts or monitor the feed in my Mac OS X Mail client.

After looking all over I couldn't find any option for this in Google Reader and finally ended up with a web site called It does the very simple task of monitoring the RSS feeds I give it and emailing me when a new post appears. You can have it send you each new post as it appears, or a daily summary. FeedMyInbox lets you monitor up to 5 RSS feeds for free, after that they start charging for the service at varying rates. I find this service especially useful for monitoring items for sale on craigslist. It lets me quickly respond to new posts.

I’m actually picking up a small utility trailer today that I found via FeedMyInbox and Craigslist.

--John Newhoff


FileMaker 12 Cool New Features

One of the coolest new features of FileMaker 12 is the interactive Container fields. With FileMaker 12, you can play video, listen to audio, or add comments to PDFs.

The new container file management tools have some excellent benefits. Having the containers stored externally will greatly reduce file size and increase the speed of your backups while letting  FileMaker do all the file management will save time and effort. If you have a large number of container fields in your database, moving to FileMaker is key to better performance. 

Please watch the video below to see this in action. 

-Kate Wheeler

For more FileMaker Demo Videos click here


E-Com Newsletter Out

The March/April 2012 edition of the E-Com for Special Education newsletter has been emailed and is available at the E-Com website.

E-Com is a software database that helps special education staff quickly create, store, and print special education documents. Staff are able to access all of a student's forms in one location for easier review and auditing of student history.


Portage Bay Blog Launch

Welcome to the inaugural Portage Bay blog post. We hope to post somewhat regularly on a broad range of topics. Many posts will have a technical bent and I’m sure they will often be related to FileMaker Pro or 4th Dimension database development.

However, we also plan to post on topics of general interest to us, and we hope to readers. So, don’t be surpised if you see an occasional blog post here about skiing, running, travel, dogs etc…

This blog allows moderated comments. That means that we welcome your comments on any posts, and once the comments have been reviewed, they will be visible to all readers.

If you have any comments you would like to send to us directly, please email

--John Newhoff

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